Who can buy HARATI Prodcuts?

Currently, HARATI Store can deliver goods within Kathmandu only. You can however order from any part of the world but delivery can be done in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur areas.

How can I buy HARATI Products?

  • Please go to the login page and register your account 
  • Use the password and link sent in your inbox to login
  • Add the desired product to your bag
  • Follow the check out process and confirm your order
  • You will get a call from our customer service department for confirmation
  • Pay for the product on delivery

How do I pay for the products ?

As of now you can pay either cash after delivery or using PayBill service.

You can also deposit in our bank account which will be displayed while you check out. We are in near future introducing many other payment gateways.

How much for delivery charge?

You will be charged of flat Rate Rs. 150 for purchasing less than Rs. 5,000. Above 5,000.00, the delivery charge will be free of cost.

How many days it will take to deliver goods?

From 24-72 hours

Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order before your product has been delivered, your entire amount will be refunded . If you want to cancel product after been delivered, you will have to come to our office within 3 working days. No cancellation will be made if came after 3 days.

Can I return the goods I receive?

If the product you have received is not the actual product you ordered, you can return the product and your payment will be refunded.

What is a wish list ?

It is a list of things you would like to own. You can save those lists in your wish list and can retrieve any time you log on to our system